Zera Shimshon

Published Mantua 1778
by Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani
[See the new page, above, for Toldot Shimshon!]

Akdamut Milin (Introductory Words) (47 pages)
…..Also available in Hebrew: אקדמת מילין-מבואר ומנוקד (33 pages)

Sefer Bereisheet (Genesis)
Chapter I: Bereisheet (Gen. 1:1-6:8)
Essay 1: The Torah begins with the language of blessing (16 pages)
Essay 2: Why not begin the Torah with the Jewish people’s first mitzvah? (17 pages)
Essay 3: G‑d proclaims three things Himself: famine, plenty, and a good leader (7 pages)
Essay 4: Bathsheva was ordained for David from Creation (10 pages)
Essay 5: Joshua’s power to make the sun stand still (7 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: A teaching of proper behavior and humility (3 pages)
Essay 8: Consulting the souls of the righteous (5 pages) NEW
…Essays 9-15 (not yet translated)
Essay 16: The creation of gold (2 pages)
Essay 17: The greatness of gold (3 pages)
…Essays 18-20 (not yet translated)
Essay 21: Sleep is one-sixtieth of death (2 pages)
Essay 22: Punishment for Eve and the serpent (2 pages)
…Essays 23-27 (not yet translated)

Chapter II: Noach (Gen. 6:9–11:32)
Essay 1: The offspring of Noah (4 pages)
…Essays 2-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Corruption and violence (7 pages)
Essay 5: Why G-d wanted to destroy the earth (4 pages)
Essay 6: Strict justice for the wicked (7 pages)
Essay 7: The raven debates Noah (4 pages)
Essay 8: The punishment of Babel (4 pages)
…Essay 9 (not yet translated)

Chapter III: Lech Lecha (Gen. 12:1–17:27)
Essay 1: The death of Terah (4 pages)
…Essays 2-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: G-d’s guarantee of children for Abraham (3 pages)
Essay 5: A foreshadow of a change of name (3 pages)
…Essays 6-14 (not yet translated)
Essay 15: Lot had the same appearance as Abraham (3 pages)
…Essays 16-20 (not yet translated)
Essay 21: Tension between Abraham and Sarah (2 pages)
…Essay 22 (not yet translated)
Essay 23: A call for judgment (2 pages)
Essay 24: Why did the angel tell Hagar her son would be a robber? (2 pages)
…Essays 25-28 (not yet translated)
Essay 29: A numerical analysis of the letters of the name “Isaac” (1 page)
…Essay 30 (not yet translated)

Chapter IV: Vayeira (Gen. 18:1–22:24)
…Essays 1-4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: Why would the angels ask Sarah where Abraham was? (3 pages)
…Essays 6-12 (not yet translated)
Essay 13: Lot enriched himself at the expense of Sodom (2 pages)
Essay 14: The people of Sodom were like the generation of the Flood (6 pages)
Essay 15: Fire and brimstone (3 pages)
Essay 16: The covenant of salt (2 pages)
…Essay 17 (not yet translated)
Essay 18: Sending away Ishmael (3 pages)
…Essays 19-24 (not yet translated)
Essay 25: Greeting one’s teacher on a Festival (2 pages)
…Essay 26 (not yet translated)

Chapter V: Chayei Sarah (Gen. 23:1-25:18)
Essay 1: A review of Eshet Chayil (a Woman of Valor), Proverbs 31:10–31 (38 pages)
Essay 2: The lifespan of a righteous person (3 pages)
Essay 3: Abraham’s eulogy of Sarah, and the effect of the death of a tzaddik (7 pages)
Essay 4: The complex negotiations between Abraham and Ephron (10 pages)
Essay 5: A) The neighbor’s law, and the hatred of gifts;
                   B) The kindness that Abraham showed Sarah;
                   C) Abraham’s life was not shortened as punishment;
                   D) The destruction of Sodom (15 pages)
Essay 6: Why Torah was given to man rather than to the angels (13 pages)
Essay 7: The merit of charity (4 pages)
Essay 8: Why Abraham sent Eliezer to find a wife for Isaac (7 pages)
Essay 9: A) Eliezer’s ulterior motive in seeking a wife for Isaac;
                   B) The match of Isaac and Rebecca was ordained by G‑d;
                   C) Eliezer’s reliance upon miracles;
                   D) The ulterior motives of Laban and Bethuel (14 pages)
Essay 10: The downfall of Adonijah (4 pages)

Chapter VI: Toldot (Gen. 25:19-28:9)
Essay 1: Righteous descendants and wicked descendants (4 pages)
…Essays 2-7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: Why one can’t know the day of his death (4 pages)
…Essay 9 (not yet translated)
Essay 10: Falsehood leads to premature death (4 pages)
Essay 11: Miracles for an individual or for many people (6 pages)
Essay 12: Appreciating the kindness of G-d (2 pages)
…Essay 13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: Isaac blessed his son despite foreseeing some bad descendants (3 pages)
…Essay 15 (not yet translated)
Essay 16: Learning Torah is greater than honoring one’s parents (4 pages)

Chapter VII: Vayetzei (Gen. 28:10-32:3)
…Essays 1-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Jacob’s dream confirmed that he held the birthright (3 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: The gateway to Heaven (3 pages)
…Essays 7-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: A maidservant for Rachel (2 pages)
…Essays 13-16 (not yet translated)
Essay 17: Esau will fall to the descendants of Rachel (2 pages)
Essay 18: One must avoid even the appearance of dishonesty (3 pages)
…Essay 19 (not yet translated)
Essay 20: Discipline and encouragement of a wife and child (2 pages)
Essay 21: A maidservant for Rachel (1 page)
…Essay 22 (not yet translated)

Chapter VIII: Vayishlach (Gen. 32:4–36:43)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Obadiah’s rescue of one hundred prophets (4 pages)
Essay 4: Did Jacob give consecrated property to Esau? (3 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: The mercy of a father for his children (4 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: Why does Scripture continue to refer to Israel as “Jacob” (9 pages)
Essay 9: Terms used for different groups of righteous (5 pages)
…Essays 10-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: The altar named “El, G‑d of Israel” (4 pages)
Essay 13: A wise son and a foolish son (3 pages)
…Essay 14 (not yet translated)

Chapter IX: Vayeishev (Gen. 37:1–40:23)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Joseph’s punishment for the bad reports (5 pages)
Essay 4: Joseph’s beauty, and his father’s preference for him (7 pages)
Essay 5: The virtue of silence (9 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: How Joseph’s brothers felt about his dreams (2 pages)
…Essay 8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: The sin of the tribes will be remembered forever (2 pages)
…Essay 10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: Judah and Joseph sanctified G‑d’s Name (6 pages)
Essay 12: The blessing that Joseph brought to Potiphar’s house (3 pages)
…Essay 13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: The importance of Torah study on the Sabbath (3 pages)
Essay 15: Joseph’s trust in the L‑rd (3 pages)
…Essay 16 (not yet translated)

Chapter X: Mikeitz (Gen. 41:1–44:17)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: The custom of women not to work on Chanukah (4 pages)
Essay 3: Why David receives credit for building the Temple (3 pages)
Essay 4: “Two years of days” (4 pages)
…Essays 5-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Why was Pharaoh’s dream doubled? (4 pages)
…Essay 8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: The collection of grain (3 pages)
…Essay 10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: The realization of Joseph’s first dream (2 pages)
Essay 12: The secret return of the brothers’ funds (1 page)
Essay 13: Jacob was angry that the brothers told the Egyptians about Benjamin (3 pages)
Essay 14: The reaction of the brothers to the return of their funds (4 pages)
…Essay 15: (not yet translated)
Essay 16: Five insults and defenses (4 pages)
…Essay 17 (not yet translated)

Chapter XI: Vayigash (Gen. 44:18–47:27)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: The recognition of Joseph (4 pages)
…Essays 4-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Don’t benefit from a stingy person (4 pages)
Essay 8: Joseph remained righteous (4 pages)
Essay 9: Why Jacob prayed “to the G‑d of his father Isaac” (4 pages)
Essay 10: Why would Jacob say the Shema Yisrael upon meeting Joseph? (3 pages)
Essay 11: The impurity of the Jewish people does not prevent G‑d’s embrace (3 pages)

Chapter XII: Vayechi (Gen. 47:28–50:26)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Jacob’s selection of Joseph to arrange his burial (5 pages) 
Essay 4: The oath to bury Jacob in the Land of Israel (3 pages)
Essay 5: Joseph’s disinterested kindness (2 pages)
Essay 6: Joseph’s participation in Jacob’s burial (5 pages)
Essay 7: Why would Jacob want Israel to suffer exile? (3 pages)
Essay 8: Jacob explains Rachel’s burial to Joseph (3 pages)
…Essays 9-14 (not yet translated)
Essay 15: Jacob is alive (3 pages)
…Essay 16 (not yet translated)

Sefer Shemot (Exodus)
Chapter XIII: Shemot (Ex. 1:1–6:1)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Several miracles supported Israel’s population  growth in Egypt (3 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: The Egyptians wanted to convert Israel’s holiness to impurity (2 pages)
…Essays 6-8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: The burning bush and the Egyptian Exile (4 pages)
…Essays 10-12 (not yet translated)
Essay 13: The Levites were exempt from servitude in Egypt (3 pages)
Essay 14: The relationship of four verses (5 pages)
…Essay 15 (not yet translated)
Essay 16: A challenge and a punishment (5 pages)
Essay 17: Moses questions G-d about the long Exile (5 pages) 

Chapter XIV: Va’era (Ex. 6:2–9:35)
Essay 1: A promise to be fulfilled, but with some punishment (3 pages)
…Essays 2-4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: Is “Putiel” a worthy or shameful name for Jethro? (3 pages)
Essay 6: Amram’s marriage to his aunt (2 pages)
Essay 7: The defective hearts of the Egyptians (5 pages)
Essay 8: The death of the fish during the plague of blood (2 pages)
…Essays 9-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: Israel’s salvation from the plague of wild beasts (6 pages)
…Essay 13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: G-d doesn’t want praise from the wicked (1 page)
Essay 15: The fifth and seventh plagues: pestilence and hail (3 pages)
Essay 16: The false divinity of Pharaoh (2 pages)
Essay 17: Lice, boils, and darkness (1 page)

Chapter XV: Bo (Ex. 10:1–13:16)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: The timing of the tenth plague (4 pages)
…Essays 4-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: The mutual respect between Moses and Aaron (3 pages)
…Essays 8-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: The scope of the tenth plague (4 pages)
…Essay 13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: Matzot and mitzvot (4 pages)
Essay 15: Saving those who are poor in mitzvot (4 pages)
…Essay 16 (not yet translated)
Essay 17: Avoiding roasted meat at the Passover seder (3 pages)
Essay 18: The division of the Passover sacrifice into three groups (6 pages)
…Essay 19 (not yet translated)
Essay 20: Why is the law of the Passover sacrifice called a statute? (4 pages)
…Essays 21-23 (not yet translated)
Essay 24: Haggadah: Jacob’s descent to Egypt was not voluntary (3 pages)
…Essays 25-26 (not yet translated)

Chapter XVI: Beshalach (Ex. 13:17–17:16)
…Essays 1-7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: Belief in Moses (2 pages)
…Essay 9-10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: Haggadah: The obligation to eat four olive bulks of matzah (2 pages)
…Essays 12-13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: G-d won’t hit Israel with the diseases brought upon Egypt (3 pages)
Essay 15: Torah study provides protection (4 pages)
Essay 16: Accepting suffering with love (4 pages)
Essay 17: Not responding to insult (3 pages)
…Essay 18 (not yet translated)
Essay 19: Forty full years of manna (1 page)
…Essays 20-22 (not yet translated)
Essay 23: The altar at Rephidim (2 pages)
…Essays 24-25 (not yet translated)

Chapter XVII: Yitro (Ex. 18:1–20:23)
…Essays 1-4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: Delivery from the hand of Egypt (2 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Strict justice or compromise (2 pages)
Essay 8: A judge must seek true judgment (4 pages)
…Essay 9 (not yet translated)
Essay 10: Placing women first (3 pages)
…Essays 11-14 (not yet translated)
Essay 15: Creation and Sinai (4 pages)
…Essays 16-17 (not yet translated)
Essay 18: The guarantee of the children (3 pages)
Essay 19: Moses’s reluctance to descend Mount Sinai to warn the people (2 pages)
…Essays 20-23 (not yet translated)
Essay 24: The connection between stealing and using G‑d’s name in vain (2 pages)
Essay 25: Remembering the Sabbath/Not bearing false witness (5 pages)
Essay 26: The connection between honoring one’s parents and not coveting (4 pages)
…Essays 27-31 (not yet translated)

Chapter XVIII: Mishpatim (Ex. 21:1–24:18)
…Essays 1-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Who is responsible for burning the Temple? (5 pages)
Essay 5: The connection between money and blood (3 pages)
Essay 6: Admission of guilt of theft is a mitigating factor (3 pages)
Essay 7: A bribe versus compensation for lost employment (2 pages)
Essay 8: Do not oppress a stranger (2 pages)
Essay 9: Promises of offspring, long life, and sustenance (5 pages)
Essay 10: Serve G‑d with wholehearted love, not with expectation of a reward (3 pages)
Essay 11: Isaiah’s apparent contradiction of Torah (5 pages)
Essay 12: “They beheld G-d” (5 pages)

Chapter XIX: Terumah (Ex. 25:1–27:19)
…Essays 1-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Donations for the Tabernacle (3 pages)
Essay 7: A gift offering, conditional vow, and strict vow (2 pages)
Essay 8: The tachash: pure and impure (3 pages)
Essay 9: Acacia wood (4 pages)
Essay 10: Was there one Ark of the Covenant, or three arks? (3 pages)
…Essays 11-13 (not yet translated)

Chapter XX: Tetzaveh (Ex. 27:20–30:10)
Essay 1: Three laws that perplexed Moses (8 pages)
Essay 2: The olive oil required for the menorah and the meal offerings (4 pages)
Essay 3: Moses’ refusal to serve (11 pages)
Essay 4: The 11th and 12th stones of the choshen (4 pages)
Essay 5: The limitation that some sacrifices be “without blemish” (8 pages)

Chapter XXI: Ki Tisa (Ex. 30:11–34:35)
…Essays 1-8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: The gift of Torah (2 pages)
Essay 10: Two equal tablets (2 pages)
Essay 11: Better to be commanded (3 pages)
Essay 12: The shame of the Golden Calf (2 pages)
…Essays 13-17 (not yet translated)
Essay 18: A promise and forgiveness (3 pages)
…Essays 19-22 (not yet translated)
Essay 23: The importance of G-d leading the way (2 pages)
…Essay 24 (not yet translated)
Essay 25: The ownership of the Tablets (2 pages)
Essay 26: Attending to the needs of the community (3 pages)
…Essays 27-30 (not yet translated)

Chapter XXII: Vayakhel (Ex. 35:1–38:20)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: The purpose of public gatherings (5 pages)
Essay 3: Kindle no fire throughout your settlements on the Sabbath (3 pages)
Essay 4: The blessing of a natural ability to learn  (2 pages)
Essay 5: The punishment of the missing yod (3 pages)
Essay 6: Why Rashi twice mention’s Hur’s lineage (4 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: The wisdom of Bezalel (3 pages)
Essay 9: The nations seek to destroy the love between G‑d and Israel (3 pages)

Chapter XXIII: Pekudei (Ex. 38:21–40:38)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Judgment and reward for one balanced between sins and mitzvot (4 pages)
…Essays 4-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Moses and the setting up of the Tabernacle (3 pages)
Essay 7: Sanctification of four priests (4 pages) 

Sefer Vayikra (Leviticus)
Chapter XXIV: Vayikra (Lev. 1:1–5:26)
Essay 1:  Moses’ contribution to the Tabernacle (2 pages)
Essay 2:  The importance of beseeching G-d for our needs (5 pages)
Essay 3:  The ownership of an animal brought as a burnt offering (4 pages)
…Essays 4-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6:  The importance of weeding out sins (4 pages)
Essay 7:  Considerations of distributing charity (4 pages)
…Essay 8 (not yet translated)

Chapter XXV: Tzav (Lev. 6:1–8:36)
Essay 1: Why the priesthood remains with Aaron’s offspring (4 pages)
Essay 2: G‑d’s forgiveness of Aaron (5 pages)
Essay 3: A Torah lesson in etiquette (3 pages)
Essay 4: The sacrifice that David desired to bring (3 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Learning about the offerings in lieu of bringing them (5 pages) 

Chapter XXVI: Shemini (Lev. 9:1–11:47)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: The Golden Calf and the teaching of repentance (5 pages)
Essay 3: The deaths of Nadab and Avihu (4 pages)
…Essays 4-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Relationships between distinctions (4 pages)
…Essays 7-8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: David’s relinquishment of honor (3 pages)

Chapter XXVII: Tazria (Lev. 12:1–13:59)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Producing something clean from something unclean (3 pages)
Essay 4: Eat, drink, and be happy (3 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: A metzora is like one who is dead (2 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: Minimizing the priest’s inconvenience (2 pages)
…Essays 9-10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: The oath not to take a reward (2 pages)

Chapter XXVIII: Metzora (Lev. 14:1–15:33)
Essay 1: Tzara’at as punishment for derogatory speech also leads to atonement (3 pages)
…Essay 2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Arrogance leads to tzara’at (3 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: A righteous person should have a righteous neighbor (2 pages)
Essay 6: Collecting a sinner’s debt (3 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)

Chapter XXIX: Acharei Mot (Lev. 16:1–18:30)
Essay 1: The deaths of the righteous atone (8 pages)
…Essays 2-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: The righteous one who turns away, and the wicked one who returns (6 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Distancing ourselves from sin in private as well as in public (3 pages)
Essay 7: Reviewing one’s deeds nightly (2 pages)

Chapter XXX: Kedoshim (Lev. 19:1–20:27)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Reporting a gossip to the secular authorities (4 pages)
…Essays 4-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Death between age 50 and 60 (3 pages) 
Essay 7: Israel should strive to retain holiness and connection to G‑d (2 pages)

Chapter XXXI: Emor (Lev. 21:1–24:23)
…Essays 1-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: The judgment of all creatures on Rosh Hashana (2 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: The angels wait for Israel to be the first to praise G‑d (3 pages)
Essay 9: Rosh Hashanah and the power of the individual (3 pages)
…Essay 10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: The esoteric secret of the Sukkah  (3 pages)
Essay 12: The commandment to dwell in the Sukkah (2 pages)
Essay 13: Sukkot and the water libation (3 pages)
…Essays 14-16 (not yet translated)
Essay 17: Why we don’t recite Hallel on the Yomim Noraim (2 pages)
…Essay 18 (not yet translated)
Essay 19: Saul’s embarrassment and forgiveness (3 pages)

Chapter XXXII: Behar (Lev. 25:1–26:2)
Essay 1: The connection between shemitah and Sinai (14 pages)
Essay 2: Inviting the poor to dinner is like bringing first fruits (4 pages)
Essay 3: Sin and repentance (6 pages)
Essay 4: Is a reward for performing a mitzvah considered interest on a loan? (5 pages)

Chapter XXXIII: Bechukotai (Lev. 26:3–27:34)
…Essays 1-2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Loving the commandments and hating transgressions (3 pages)
Essay 4: Jacob took a vav from Elijah’s name five times (3 pages)

Sefer Bamidbar (Numbers)
Chapter XXXIV: Bamidbar (Num. 1:1–4:20)
Essay 1: Banners in the wilderness (4 pages)
Essay 2: The names “Sinai” and “Horeb” refer to the punishment of the nations (4 pages)
Essay 3: The nations claimed that Israel was unworthy of the Torah (9 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: G-d’s love of the firstborn (8 pages) 

Chapter XXXV: Naso (Num. 4:21–7:89)
Essay 1: Different responsibilities and outlooks of the Levites (4 pages)
…Essay 2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: The punishment for withholding tithes (2 pages)
…Essays 4-7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: In what way was David “alone and impoverished”? (2 pages)
Essay 9: Secrets of the priestly blessing (3 pages)
…Essays 10-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: The righteous are greater at their deaths (3 pages)

Chapter XXXVI: Beha’alot’cha (Num. 8:1–12:16)
Essay 1: Teachings from the Scriptural language of kindling the menorah (4 pages)
Essay 2: Judging and issuing rulings (3 pages)
Essay 3: The prohibition against non-sacrificial meat (6 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: All were saved on account of Moses (3 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Moses’ prayer for Miriam (5 pages) 

Chapter XXXVII: Shelach (Num. 13:1–15:41)
Essay 1: Hoshea becomes Joshua (4 pages)
Essay 2: The incorrect conclusion of the spies (3 pages)
Essay 3: The sin of the spies and the destruction of the First Temple (4 pages)
Essay 4: What would the Egyptians say? (4 pages)
Essay 5: Hastening the Final Redemption (5 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Pinchas and Caleb in Jericho (4 pages)
Essay 8: The order of the Shema in the Torah and in prayer (3 pages)
Essay 9: Ritual fringes, prohibited interest, and improper weights (4 pages)

Chapter XXXVIII: Korach (Num. 16:1–18:32)
Essay 1: Korach challenges Moses regarding tzitzit and mezuzah (4 pages)
…Essays 2-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Why did Moses tell Korach to wait until morning? (5 pages)
Essay 5: Moses’ treatment of Korach’s people (4 pages)
…Essay 6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Korach’s punishment  (3 pages)
Essay 8: Do not maintain a dispute (4 pages)
…Essays 9-11 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: Permissible derogatory speech  (3 pages)
…Essays 10-11 (not yet translated)

Chapter XXXIX: Chukat (Num. 19:1–22:1)
…Essays 1-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Impurity where there is no impurity (4 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: The well gave water in the merit of Miriam (2 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: G-d expressed concern for the property of Israel (3 pages)
…Essay 9 (not yet translated)
Essay 10: Death by inadvertent sin (5 pages) 
…Essay 11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: Man can conquer the evil inclination (3 pages)
…Essay 13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: Jephthah’s reputation (3 pages)
Essay 15: Jephthah’s argument with the king of the Ammonites (4 pages)
Essay 16: Jephthah’s vow (3 pages)

Chapter XL: Balak (Num. 22:2–25:9)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: The angel of mercy visits Balaam (2 pages)
Essay 3: The death of a loyal donkey Balaam (3 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: With the holiness of synagogues, one finds life (2 pages)
Essay 6: Circumcision sets Israel as a nation apart (3 pages)
…Essays 7-9 (not yet translated)
Essay 10: The idolatry of Ba’al Pe’or (3 pages)
…Essays 11-13 (not yet translated)

Chapter XLI: Pinchas (Num. 25:10–30:1)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Pinchas and the priesthood (5 pages)
Essay 3: The shame of Zur (2 pages)
Essay 4: Atonement at Rosh Hashana is like receiving a new soul (5 pages)
Essay 5: The decreasing number of sacrifices over Sukkot (6 pages)
Essay 6: Rejoicing and Exulting in G‑d is not limited to prayer and learning (4 pages)

Chapter XLII: Matot (Num. 30:2–32:4)
Essay 1: The Shechinah spoke from Moses’ throat (2 pages)
Essay 2: Making a vow to perform a mitzvah (6 pages)
…Essays 3-4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: Whose vengeance was it? (5 pages)

Chapter XLIII: Masei (Num. 33:1–36:13)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Sparks of holiness in the wilderness (2 pages)
Essay 3: The betrothal between G-d and Israel (4 pages)
…Essays 4-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: The punishment for a failure to tithe (4 pages)
…Essays 8-9 (not yet translated)

Sefer Devarim (Deuteronomy)
Chapter XLIV: Devarim (Deut. 1:1–3:22)
Essay 1: Why an initial hint is later made explicit (6 pages)
…Essay 2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3:  Moses excuses himself from acting as judge (5 pages)
Essay 4: Did Moses agree with the idea of sending spies? (4 pages)
Essay 5: The “voice” of the words (5 pages)
Essay 6: Why Isaiah reversed Moses’ language (4 pages)

Chapter XLV: Va’etchanan (Deut. 3:23–7:11)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Prayer is greater than good deeds (4 pages)
Essay 3: Why Moses pleaded to enter the Land of Israel (3 pages)
…Essay 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: Why three cities of refuge on the east side of the Jordan? (2 pages)
…Essays 6-8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: The word “good” in the Ten Commandments (4 pages)
Essay 10: A candle is [as] a mitzvah (3 pages)
…Essay 11 (not yet translated)
Essay 12: We will have charity from the L-rd (3 pages)
Essay 13: Preparing for the Sabbath, and for the World to Come (2 pages)
…Essays 14-15 (not yet translated)
Essay 16: Coveting and craving (2 pages)

Chapter XLVI: Ekev (Deut. 7:12–11:25)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Do not fear the nations (5 pages)
…Essay 3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Why Moses again mentioned the Golden Calf (4 pages)
…Essays 5-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Blessings before and after eating (3 pages)
Essay 8: Don’t talk while eating (4 pages)
Essay 9: G‑d has compassion for us (3 pages)
Essay 10: Sinai, the Golden Calf, and the Throne of Glory (2 pages)

Chapter XLVII: Re’eh (Deut. 11:26–16:17)
Essay 1: The blessing and the curse (6 pages)
Essay 2: Don’t follow the way of the idol worshipers (3 pages)
…Essay 3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: Tithing shows that G‑d is King (4 pages)
Essay 5: Tithing supports Torah learning (3 pages)
Essay 6: Tithing, robbery, and famine (3 pages)
Essay 7: The reward and blessings of giving charitably (3 pages)
Essay 8: Why is matzah called the bread of affliction? (3 pages)
Essay 9: Rejoicing with family and with the L‑rd (2 pages)
Essay 10: A gift suited to his means (2 pages)
…Essay 11 (not yet translated)

Chapter XLVIII: Shoftim (Deut. 16:18–21:9)
Essay 1: Judging powerful and unethical people (3 pages)
…Essay 2 (not yet translated)
Essay 3: Saul surrendered his honor (4 pages)
Essay 4: Avoid soothsayers and diviners (6 pages)
Essay 5: Punishment of scheming witnesses (3 pages)
Essay 6: The horse of Pharaoh (5 pages)
Essay 7: The wicked are not immediately punished (5 pages)
…Essay 8 (not yet translated)

Chapter XLIX: Ki Teitzei (Deut. 21:10–25:19)
Essay 1: Discretionary and obligatory wars (3 pages)
Essay 2: The beautiful captive (4 pages)
Essay 3: A child’s bad upbringing (5 pages)
Essay 4: Sending away the mother bird from her nest (6 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Biblical and rabbinic limitations on the mamzer (5 pages)
Essay 7: Ammon and Moab (4 pages)

Chapter L: Ki Tavo (Deut. 26:1–29:8)
Essay 1: The first of every fruit (3 pages)
Essay 2: Expressing gratitude to the priest of one’s generation (2 pages)
Essay 3: The prerequisite to receiving the Land (5 pages)
Essay 4: Adultery leads to idolatry (3 pages)
Essay 5: Avoided sins (3 pages)
Essay 6: Children and sustenance (3 pages)
…Essay 7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: The blessing of easy money (2 pages)
Essay 9: A curse against one’s ox, donkey, and goat (3 pages)
Essay 10: Why is the Congregation of Israel called “Rachel”? (3 pages)
Essay 11: Each day will be more cursed than the previous (3 pages)
…Essay 12 (not yet translated)

Chapter LI: Nitzavim (Deut. 29:9–30:20)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Unity is an essential part of redemption (4 pages)
Essay 3: A blessing on the Torah (4 pages)
…Essays 4 (not yet translated)
Essay 5: The life and the goodness, the death and the misfortune (3 pages)

Chapter LII: Vayeilech (Deut. 31:1–31:30)
Essay 1: Why was it important for Moses to die on his birthday? (5 pages)
…Essays 2-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: The esoteric secret of the shofar (6 pages)
…Essay 8 (not yet translated)
Essay 9: Separating goodness from the Klipat Noga (4 pages) 

Chapter LIII: Haazinu (Deut. 32:1–32:52)
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: Reward and punishment (3 pages)
Essay 3: G‑d’s doubled jealousy regarding idolatry (3 pages)
Essay 4: Repentance from fear and from love (2 pages)
…Essay 5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: The importance of a fixed place for prayer (10 pages)
Essay 7: The war of Gog and Magog (4 pages)

Chapter LIV: Vezot haBracha (Deut. 33:1–34:12)
Essay 1: A blessing upon 12 tribes (1 page)
Essay 2: Hearing the commandments from Moses (3 pages)
…Essays 3-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: Praise for the tribe of Levi (3 pages)
Essay 7: An additional advantage of the east bank of the Jordan (2 pages)
Essay 8: The burial of Moses (3 pages) NEW
Essay 9: “His eyes were undimmed and his vigor unabated” (2 pages)
…Essays 10-11 (not yet translated)

Five Megillot
Chapter LV: Shir haShirim (Song of Songs)

…Essays 1-6 (not yet translated)
Essay 7: Why are Jewish children compared to an apple tree in the forest? (2 pages)
…Essays 8-13 (not yet translated)
Essay 14: Permissible work on the intermediate days of a Festival (1 page)
…Essays 15-19 (not yet translated)

Chapter LVI: Ruth
…Essays 1-5 (not yet translated)
Essay 6: A blessing upon Ruth’s stomach (3 pages)
Essay 7: What we can learn from Boaz’s kindness toward Ruth (3 pages)
Essay 8: Boaz hints at his intentions (2 pages)
Essay 9: Observing laws against seclusion (2 pages)
…Essay 10 (not yet translated)
Essay 11: Ruth’s second act of kindness (2 pages)
…Essay 12 (not yet translated)
Essay 13: The best type of charity (3 pages)
…Essays 14-15 (not yet translated)

Chapter LVII: Kinnot (Eicha) (Lamentations)
In memory of my mother, Cynthia Stein, Tzivia Mindel bat Bezalel Mordechai A”H, who was niftara 7 Nisan 5780 (April 1, 2020)
Essay 1: Exile and the destruction of the Temple (11 pages)
Essay 2: The role of Gabriel and Michael in the destruction of the Temple (9 pages)
Essay 3: The great danger of emulating the nations, and of drinking to excess (5 pages)
Essay 4: Why is menstrual impurity used as a metaphor? (4 pages)
Essay 5: The consequences of spiritual impurity caused by baseless hatred (7 pages)
Essay 6: Distancing ourselves from sin, and repentance on Yom Kippur (6 pages)
Essay 7: Avoiding distraction from Torah study (4 pages)
Essay 8: A) Why Asaph recited a song, instead of a lament;
                   B) The promise of a return to purity in the days of the Messiah (6 pages)
Essay 9: Why Nebuchadnezzar was called “a lion” (10 pages)
Essay 10: Without peace, there is nothing (2 pages)
Essay 11: We ask G‑d to remember us and to regret our exile (6 pages)
Essay 12: The punishment for denial of justice for the orphan and widow (2 pages)
Essay 13: The path to repentance is distancing oneself from the path of sinners (9 pages)

Chapter LVIII: Esther
…Essay 1 (not yet translated)
Essay 2: The will of a righteous man (3 pages)
Essay 3: The “justification” of Haman (4 pages)
…Essays 4-7 (not yet translated)
Essay 8: Mordecai warns Esther not to remain silent (3 pages)
…Essays 9-12 (not yet translated)
Essay 13: Why did Haman think he could destroy the Jews? (8 pages)
…Essays 14-15 (not yet translated)
Essay 16: Resisting the nations of the world (2 pages)
…Essays 17-23 (not yet translated)

Chapter LIX: Kohelet (Ecclesiastes)
…Essays 1-3 (not yet translated)
Essay 4: The reward of giving charity (3 page)
Essay 5: Everything at its time (3 page)
…Essays 6-16 (not yet translated)
Essay 17: Well-treated slaves (1 page)
…Essays 18-22 (not yet translated)