Toldot Shimshon

Published Livorno 1776
by Rabbi Shimshon Chaim Nachmani

… (not yet translated)

Chapter I
Prologue – All Israel have a portion in the World-to-Come (13 pages)
Mishnah 1 – Moses received the Torah from Sinai (15 pages)
…Mishnah 2-6 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 7 – Avoiding bad and wicked people (5 pages)
Mishnah 8 – The broad powers of the court (5 pages)
Mishnah 9 – The court’s balancing act (6 pages)
…Mishnah 10-14 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 15 – Consider implications of safeguards (7 pages) NEW [05/03/2024]
Mishnah 16 – Avoiding possible prohibitions (5 pages)
…Mishnah 17-18 (not yet translated)

Chapter II
…Mishnah 1- 2 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 3 – Be careful dealing with officials (6 pages) 
…Mishnah 4-8 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 9 – Five disciples of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai (6 pages)
Mishnah 10 – The greatest disciple of Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai (4 pages)
…Mishnah 11-12 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 13 – The evil eye, the evil inclination, and hatred of humanity (2 pages)
…Mishnah 14-15 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 16 – Be diligent to learn Toran (8 pages) NEW [07/18/2023]
Mishnah 17 – The reward for Torah study (3 pages)
…Mishnah 18 (not yet translated)

Chapter III
…Mishnah 1- 4 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 5 – Protecting oneself from danger (5 pages)
Mishnah 6 – The yoke of Torah (4 pages)
…Mishnah 7 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 8 – Giving charity (4 pages)
…Mishnah 9- 11 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 12 – Destructive behaviors (5 pages)
Mishnah 13 – Don’t spurn the word of G-d (6 pages) NEW [07/26/2023]
…Mishnah 14-20
Mishnah 21 – Appetizers for wisdom (4 pages) 

Chapter IV
…Mishnah 1- 5 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 6 – The motive for learning (4 pages)
…Mishnah 7 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 8 – Honor the Torah, don’t dishonor it (2 pages)
…Mishnah 9 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 10 – Judges should fear making an error (3 pages)
Mishnah 11 – Torah, poverty, and wealth (4 pages)
…Mishnah 12 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 13 – A shield against punishment (6 pages)  NEW [05/24/2024]
…Mishnah 14 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 15 – Honor students, colleagues, and teacher (3 pages)
Mishnah 16 – Be careful in Torah study (2 pages)
…Mishnah 17 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 18 – For learning Torah, go to the best place (5 pages)  NEW [08/02/2023]
…Mishnah 19- 26 (not yet translated)

Chapter V
…Mishnah 1-4 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 5 – Ten things created at the twilight of Creation (5 pages)
…Mishnah 6-7 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 8 – G-d publicizes the sin of theft from the poor (3 pages)
Mishnah 9 – Four types of character (5 pages)
Mishnah 10 – Four types of anger (7 pages)  NEW [08/11/2023]
Mishnah 11 – Four types of disciples (5 pages)
…Mishnah 12 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 13 – Attending the study-house (4 pages)
…Mishnah 14-19 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 20 – The ages of man (6 pages)  NEW [05/30/2024]
…Mishnah 21-22 (not yet translated)

Chapter VI
Mishnah 1 – The Mishnah is esoteric; the Baraita is open (5 pages)
…Mishnah 2 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 3 – Treat the Torah as one’s fiancée (11 pages)
Mishnah 4 – Honoring one’s teacher (11 pages)
Mishnah 5 – The privation of a life of Torah (11 pages)
…Mishnah 6-10 (not yet translated)
Mishnah 11 – Created for His glory (10 pages) NEW [06/07/2024]
Conclusion (3 pages)